Horse & Pony Database

The place to build your equine's history
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The place to build your equine's history
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Why Register?

This site has been setup for anyone that wants to check the history of a horse or pony.

As a logged in member you are able to upload profiles of the horses and ponies you own as well as adding to existing profiles of equines previously owned. You can also perform a simple search for a horse or pony on our database.

If you would like to see a full history of a horse including details of its temperament, medical history, feeding regime, riding suitability, photographs and other useful information you will need to become a member.

All the profiles and historical information on Horse and Pony Database are from current and previous owners who have uploaded information about their equines. This can also provide peace of mind when looking to buy a suitable horse or pony. Our service also enables you to cross-reference passport information with the relevant passport agency.

The place to build your equine's history
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