Misty Misty

Misty - Belgium Warmblood

I sold Misty is 2017 to a friend due to lack of time with work and my daughters ponies. She then left the yard and Misty was sold. I no longer have contact with the friend so have no idea where Misty went. After searching I found She was sold by Maisie Langan and then by Ethan Fettah in 2019. He says she went to an all rounder home but has no contact details. I’d love to know how she is getting on.
Uploaded By Almie
Registered Name Misty - Belgium Warmblood
Stable Yard Or Name Misty
Date Of Foaling 07 May, 2006
Freeze Mark N/A
Distinct Markings Small white star.
Gender Mare
Approx Height In HH 16
Breed Belgium Warmblood
Horse Colour Bay
Last Known Location London